Caterpillar 3500 Series Engine Reconditioning, Parts and Kits

Bells Engines have been supplying high quality aftermarket and genuine engine products to suit all Caterpillar Engines for almost half a Century. Bells Engines can now offer full engine reconditioning / remanufacturing services as well as aftermarket and genuine replacement parts and engine kits for the Caterpillar 3500 series. This includes for the Caterpillar 3508, Caterpillar 3512, Caterpillar 3516 and Caterpillar 3524 Engine. We Repair, Remanufacture, Rebuild, Repower, Overhaul and supply all Parts and Engine Kits to suit.

Caterpillar 3500 Series Engine Specialists in Reconditioning and Overhaul Services, Engine Parts and Engine Kits
When it comes to the larger Engines like the Caterpillar 3500 series Bells Engines have you covered. With our advances in technology including the massive Rottler EM105H we cover all the larger engines for Remanufacturing too. We also provide a complete range of products, including gallery-cooled pistons for diesel and natural gas applications, induction-hardened cylinder liners, heavy-duty copper alloy engine bearings, and quality valve train components. Our robust products makes Bells Engines a leader in providing the most complete range of Caterpillar engine products available. We also stock the highest quality genuine and superior aftermarket components for these popular Caterpillar 3500 Series Engines in Australia. We also carry a variety of miscellaneous internal bushings for rocker arms, accessory drives and oil pump bushings, and all other parts and components required to complete each engine.
At Bells Engines we only supply the latest in materials and designs.
Caterpillar 3500 Series Engine Parts and Kits
Items available from Bells Engines for Caterpillar 3500 series engines vary between applications and serial ranges but will generally include products such as:
Pistons, Cylinder Kits, Bearings, Etc
• Pistons (aluminum and Steel one
piece designs)
• Cylinder Kits (induction heat-treated
liners, application-specific rings and
ring sets, pins, retainers, liner o-rings)
• Engine Bearings (connecting rod,
main, camshaft)
• Turbochargers
Valve Train, Gaskets, Pumps, Etc
• Valve Train (int/exh valves, seat
inserts, guides, springs, bridges,
locks, rotocoils)
• Gasket Sets (OEM style and Bells
Style 1-2-3™ complete gasket sets)
• Pumps (oil and water pumps, re-
lated components)
• Misc. Hardware
Caterpillar 3500 Series Engine Remanufacturing, Parts and Kits - Australia and Worldwide
We offer our Caterpillar 3500 Engine Reconditioning and Remanufacturing Services and Engine Parts throughout Western Australia including Perth, Mandurah, Rockingham, Pinjarra, Busselton, Albany, Bunbury, Dunsborough, Margaret River, Denmark, Kalgoorlie, Country Western Australia (Agriculture & Minesites), the Wheatbelt, Esperance, Geraldton, Carnarvon, Coral Bay, Exmouth, Karratha, Port Hedland, Broome, Tom Price etc
We also offer our Caterpillar 3500 Engine Reconditioning and Remanufacturing Services and Engine Parts throughout Australia including Melbourne, Victoria, Adelaide, South Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Darwin, Northern Territory, Brisbane, Queensland and Tasmania. In fact we can facilitate our services for customers Worldwide!